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E-mail: William
With time permitting, I'll add all compatibilities issues to the
documentation, but since Rapid-Q is still in its developmental stage
(especially on the Linux/Unix side), it's hard to say if one
incompatibility issue will be solved or not, therefore this lax
Differentiating from CONSOLE and GUI apps
Under Windows a CONSOLE application is any application
which can perform both graphics as well as read and write to the
standard output. This means any GUI can be compiled as a CONSOLE app
without any consequences. The reverse is NOT true. Compiling a
CONSOLE application as a GUI application results in a loss of any
data being sent to the standard output, and may ultimately result in
your program crashing.
Under Linux/Unix we have a totally bizarre case. This is
mainly because I didn't want to take anything away. For example, a
GUI application in Linux/Unix can write to the standard output, and
read from the standard output, as long as the programmer hasn't
implemented any terminal specific instructions like LOCATE or
COLOR. If the user includes terminal specific statements into
his/her program, that now becomes a CONSOLE application. A CONSOLE
application can also do standard in/out as well as graphics with a
few consequences, the terminal screen is cleared by default, and you
can't run a CONSOLE application in the background (it will
automatically terminate).
The Main Form
There is no differentiation between forms when working with the
Windows version. However, under Linux/Unix, the first form you
DIM ultimately becomes your main form (even if it isn't the
first form you SHOW). What this means is if you close your main
form, this also terminates your application. When the main form is
closed, your program terminates, this means any code you have
written after that point will not be executed. This only applies to
the Linux/Unix version of Rapid-Q.
Component resizing
With the Windows version, you have to manually resize all your
components when your form resizes. You do this with the OnResize
event. Under Linux/Unix, the components on your form automatically
resizes when your form resizes. Also make sure to define the size of
your form before adding any components to it. This is most crucial
for the Linux/Unix version. If you don't do this, your components
may appear too big/small.
Creating Menus
A Menu in Windows is a list of menu items attached to a
QMainMenu component. Not to confuse people anymore, but the
Linux/Unix version does not exactly have a QMainMenu component. A
menu bar is a singular menu with dropdown items. This means you can
only add to the menu bar, and not to the menu items. Rapid-Q just
strings menu bars together at the top of the screen, and provides
dropdown lists when you click on it. What this means is that you
must create your menu bars first, then you can add to it. Since I
know I've confused everyone by saying this, I'll provide an example:
CREATE MainMenu AS QMainMenu
CREATE FileMenuBar AS QMenuItem
Caption = "File"
CREATE EditMenuBar AS QMenuItem
Caption = "Edit"
CREATE SearchMenuBar AS QMenuItem
Caption = "Search"
DIM OpenItem AS QMenuItem
OpenItem.Caption = "Open"
FileMenuBar.AddItems OpenItem It's no different than what
you'd do for the Windows version, but notice that you don't add
directly to the MenuBar until after you declared them. FileMenuBar
is considered a MenuBar, which you can add to, OpenItem is
considered just an item, which cannot be added to. The OnClick event
handler does not apply to the MenuBar, just the item. Again, this
only applies to the Linux/Unix version, you're free to go wild in
the Windows version. Please note that the GTK version is less
INKEY$ support
Complete INKEY$ support is provided in the Windows and
Linux/Unix version. There are some issues you may want to know
about, for one, an extended key occupies 2-bytes (nothing new
there), however, the first byte is not NULL (ie. CHR$(0)).
The first byte is actually an escape character, CHR$(27). The next
character you can parse as normal. A$ = INKEY$
IF A$ = CHR$(27) + "H" THEN
PRINT "Up Arrow Key Pressed."
END IF The Windows version can trap a few more
extended keys than the Linux/Unix version, but these keys aren't
processed by default. Please see Chapter 3 of the Rapid-Q
Documentation for more on the $OPTION INKEY$
QSocket ReadLine & WriteLine
QSocket now has the exact same functionality between the 2
versions. |
This page maintained by William Yu
©1999-2000 | |