.The 360 degree travel returns 8 discrete directions as compass points, plus center Off
all the heavy lifting being done by javascript.
Upload "joy_cb.min.js.gz" to your device,
it can be found at the bottom of this page.
Another version of the script offers proportional control.
Another offers joystick overlay for a Pan and Tilt cctv platform.
'On-screen virtual Switch Joystick - Electroguard - developed on Annex 1.41 beta 6
title$ = "Virtual Joystick" joy$ = "" jsexternal "/joy_cb.min.js.gz" pause 500 gosub screen onhtmlchange change wait screen: cls a$ = "<br><br>" a$=a$ + |<div style='display: table; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;'>| + textbox$(title$,"t") + |</div>|+"<br>" a$=a$ + |<div style='display: table; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;'>| a$=a$ + |<div id="joyDiv" style="width:200px;height:200px;margin-bottom:20px;margin:10px"></div>| a$=a$ + |<br><div style="display: table; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;">| + textbox$(joy$,"t") + |</div>| a$=a$ + cssid$("t","text-align:center;border-style: none;") autorefresh 100 html a$ a$ = |joy = new JoyStick('joyDiv');| a$ = a$ + |joy.SetCallback(function(e) {connection.send('cmd:immediatxJOY$="' + e.GetDir() + '":HtmlEventVar$="joy$"\n' )});| jscript a$ a$ = "" return change: 'joystick activity returns directions directly into joy$ textbox return End '------------------------- End -------------------------- |