This example show a simple program permitting to control a relay connected on the pin GPIO16.
A simple Web page is created containing a button to toggle the relay and a led showing the status of the relay.
CODE: example1.bas
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' ANNEX WI-FI Basic 'example-1 'Simple button controlling a pin toggle function 'can be connected to a relay module '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' relay = 16 ' the relay is connected on the pin GPIO16 (D0 on nodemcu module) v = 0 ' initial value of the output onHtmlReload create_page 'defines the page that will be sent at first connection gosub create_page ' draw the page at the first run wait ' wait for events
create_page: ' this is the html page ' clear the screen cls html button$("RELAY", toggle_relay) ' draws a button html led$(v) ' draws a led return
toggle_relay: v = 1 - v ' invert the status of the output pin(relay) = v 'set the output pin (the relay) refresh 'refresh the status of the led return