Uses a rotary encoder to navigate horizontal X axis, and/or vertical Y axis, and optionally adjust a Z axis value.
Useful for menu navigation, even with nested multi-level sub-menus.
Or use to select and adjust the individual value of a neo-pixel, or LED, or servo, or whatever.
Imagine the 3 axis colours as being connected to the
green and
blue pins of an
Rotate the encoder to adjust the
red value up or down, then press the button to adjust the
green value,
then press again to adjust the
blue value. Press again to wrap around back to
red again.
Long press to optionally exit adjustment mode or do anything else you want it to do.
You decide how many different axis you want to step through before wrapping around again, and you decide how many steps each axis has.
It may be easier to understand if you think of it being used to set the time, which only needs 2 axis.
Use the X axis to select Hours, Minutes, or Seconds, then press to the Y axis to adjust the selection up or down. Press again to return back to X.
Or add as many other axis as required.
Eg: adjust to select a specific neo-pixel, then press to adjust its
Red value, press again to adjust
Green, and again to adjust
Blue, then wrap back.
The script is a modification of the previous Rotary Combination Lock, which uses exactly the same circuit.
So you can use the same optional TM1637 4-digit 7-segment display to show the X, Y, Z values if you wish:
X is shown (4) on the left, Y (2) is on the right, and Z adjusts digit brightness from 0 (off) to 7 (full on).
Short-pressing the button will step through each axis then wrap back to X.
You can easily stop any axis from wrapping around if you prefer - ie: to prevent jumping from off to full on.
A long press of 2 secs or more can jump wherever you choose - so in the case of setting the clock time, a long press could exit time setting mode.
The X, Y, and Z values are available in those variable names for you to use if needed, ie: perhaps to select an appropriate menu and sub-menu.
Or you might just want to change volume up or down, or position a servo - it is merely a means of adjustment that you may find handy some day.
' Rotary XYZ Navigation
rotaryA = 4 'Rotary encoder pulse A output pin
rotaryB = 5 'Rotary encoder pulse B output pin
buttonpin = 0 'Rotary encoder selector button pin
TM1637.SETUP 12, 13 'Enter your appropriate SDA and SCL pins
TMbrightness = 4 '7=bright, 1=dim, 0=off
axis = 0 'Currently selected axis: x=0, y=1, z=2
x = 1 'X horizontal axis
xmin = 1 'x minimum, lower values will wrap around to xmax
xmax = 99 'x maximum, higher values will wrap around to xmin
y = 1 'Y vertical axis
ymin = 1 'y minimum, lower values will wrap around to ymax
ymax = 99 'y maximum, higher values will wrap around to ymin
z = 4 'Z axis
zmin = 0 'z minimum, lower values will wrap around to zmax
zmax = 7 'z maximum, higher values will wrap around to zmin
xy$ = "" 'used to display both x and y values at the same time
debounce = 120 'to avoid spurious jitter pulses, reduce to increase rotary response time
lasttime = 0
thistime = 0
start = 0
stop = 0
xy$ = right$(" " + str$(x),2) + right$(" " + str$(y),2)
TM1637.PRINT xy$, 4, 255
pin.mode buttonpin, input, pullup
pin.mode rotaryA, input, pullup
pin.mode rotaryB, input, pullup
interrupt rotaryA, changed
interrupt buttonpin, button
thistime = millis
if thistime - lasttime > debounce then
if pin(rotaryA) = 0 then
if pin(rotaryB) = 0 then
if axis = 0 then
x = x - 1
if x < xmin then x = xmax
if axis = 1 then
y = y - 1
if y < ymin then y = ymax
if axis = 2 then
z = z - 1
if z < zmin then z = zmax
if axis = 0 then
x = x + 1
if x > xmax then x = xmin
if axis = 1 then
y = y + 1
if y > ymax then y = ymin
if axis = 2 then
z = z + 1
if z > zmax then z = zmin
xy$ = right$(" " + str$(x),2) + right$(" " + str$(y),2)
TM1637.PRINT xy$, z, 255
lasttime = thistime
if pin(buttonpin) = 0 then start = millis else stop = millis
if stop > (start + debounce) then
if stop - start < 2000 then
'short press - step through each axis
axis = axis + 1
if axis > 2 then axis = 0 'change to 1 if only x and y required
'long press - put your long press gosub here
wlog "long press"
'----------- End ----------