This example show a simple program show a scrolling message on 12 8x8 dot matrix display.
The display is composed of 3 modules each containing 4 8x8 pixels displays.
The video at the right shows the result.
CODE: example2.bas
'Set 12 8x8 displays with GPIO15 as CS pin MaxScroll.Setup 12, 15 'Set the message MaxScroll.print "This is a circling message scrolling on 3x4 led matrix Displays"
'Set the refresh rate of the display (50 msec) - lower values -> scroll faster timer0 50, scrollme wait
Scrollme: 'Scroll the display with an intensity of 15 (maximum) MaxScroll.scroll 15 return
This is another example where the message can be set using a web page.
The very simple web page is shown at the right
CODE: example2b.bas
'default message msg$ = "Default Message" ' clear the html screen cls 'create the textbox in the html page html textbox$(msg$, "box") 'when the textbox is updated, the program will jump to update_message onHtmlChange update_message
'Set 12 8x8 displays with GPIO15 as CS pin MaxScroll.Setup 12, 15 'Set the first message as the current time MaxScroll.print msg$
'Set the refresh rate of the display (50 msec) - lower values -> scroll faster timer0 50, scrollme wait
Scrollme: 'Scroll the display with an intensity of 15 MaxScroll.scroll 15 return
update_message: MaxScroll.print msg$ return
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