It is a software virtual proportional dual-axis Joystick.
And it is also a hardware Pan & Tilt servo platform.
They go well together, but either could be used by itself.
Accordingly, even though the first script has the capability to control servos, it has been commented out.
Therefore the dual-axis virtual joystick is provided with horizontal and vertical indicators to show X, Y positions.
These pan and tilt gauges have a checkbox underneath allowing auto-self-centering to be turned On or Off.
The javascript joystick library has a 'sticky knob' (seriously), therefore click the knob to un-stick the cursor.
Evidently it is 'touch-enabled', which should be handy for use on phone touchscreens etc, but I haven't tried.that.
If the auto-self-centering knob returns too quickly to register on the X.Y gauges, simply click the knob to update.
The script then 'normalises' the returned values to between 0 to 180 to be suitable for actuating the servos.
It also has simple facility to reverse the value from 180 to 0 to reverse the servo direction of travel if needed
Read joy$ from in action: branch if you wish to intercept the returned X,Y string values before they are 'normalised' for servo use.
wlog joy$
X=val(word$(joy$,1,",")) +100
Y=val(word$(joy$,2,",")) +100 pan = X/200*180 tilt = Y/200*180 'pan = 180-pan 'uncomment to invert value for reversing direction of travel 'tilt = 180-tilt 'uncomment to invert value for reversing direction of travel The javascript file "joy_cb.min.js.gz" should be downloaded from the bottom of this page then uploaded to the root / of your device,
Note: It is best to re-start Annex with a clean slate to avoid 'out of memory' overloads or lost web-socket connections.
'Virtual Proportional Joystick - Electroguard - developed on Annex 1.41 beta 6
jsexternal "/joy_cb.min.js" 'servo.setup 1,13 'uncomment if using a servo 'servo.setup 2,12 'uncomment if using a servo X=0 Y=0 pan=90 tilt=90 autoCenter=0 '1=auto-return to center, 0=remain unchanged joy$="" if autoCenter=1 then autoCenter$="true" else autoCenter$="false" htmleventvar$="" onHtmlChange action gosub action gosub screen wait screen: cls a$ = "" a$ = a$ + |<div style='display: table; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;'>| a$ = a$ + |<br><br>| a$ = a$ + meter$(tilt,0,180,"tilt") + |<br>| a$ = a$ + cssid$("tilt","transform: rotate(-90deg);width:90px;") a$ = a$ + |<br><br>| a$ = a$ + meter$(pan,0,180,"pan") '+ |<br>| a$ = a$ + cssid$("pan","width:90px;") a$ = a$ + |</div>| a$ = a$ + |<div style='display: table; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;opacity:'>| a$ = a$ + checkbox$(autoCenter) a$ = a$ + |</div>| a$ = a$ + |<div style='display: table; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;'>| a$ = a$ + |<div id="joyDiv" style="width:200px;height:200px;margin-bottom:20px;margin:20px;"></div></div>| autorefresh 100 html a$ a$ = "" a$ = a$ + |joy = new JoyStick('joyDiv',{internalFillColor: '#EE8800', externalStrokeColor: '#808000',autoReturnToCenter: | + autoCenter$ + |});| a$ = a$ + |joy.SetCallback(function(e) {connection.send('cmd:immediatxJOY$="' + e.GetX() + ',' + e.GetY() + '":HtmlEventVar$="joy$"\n' )});| jscript a$ a$ = "" return action: if htmleventvar$ = "autocenter" then if autoCenter=1 then autoCenter$="true" else autoCenter$="false" gosub screen endif if htmleventvar$ = "joy$" then X = val(word$(joy$,1,",")) +100 Y = val(word$(joy$,2,",")) +100 pan = X/200*180 tilt = Y/200*180 'pan = 180-pan 'uncomment to invert value for reversing direction of travel 'tilt = 180-tilt 'uncomment to invert value for reversing direction of travel 'servo 1, pan 'uncomment if using a servo 'servo 2, tilt 'uncomment if using a servo endif pause 50 return End '------------------------- End -------------------------- This next version of the script has the servo's enabled, and the horizontal axis reversed to make that servo function correctly. It also has transparency added and colours changed so that the controls can be overlaid on top of a CCTV image if wished. The background image has only been added to help visualise what the overlaid joystick controls might look like on cctv
'Pan & Tilt control with Virtual Joystick - Electroguard - developed on Annex 1.41 beta 6
jsexternal "/joy_cb.min.js" servo.setup 1,13 '1st servo gpio pin servo.setup 2,12 '2nd servo gpio pin X=0 Y=0 pan=90 tilt=90 joy$="" dia$="100" 'changes knob size knobcol$="Aquamarine" 'changes knob colour opacity$="0.5" 'changes opacity of screen objects - 0=transparent, 1=solid autoCenter=1 '1=auto return knob to center, 0=knob remains where last set if autoCenter=1 then autoCenter$="true" else autoCenter$="false" htmleventvar$="" onHtmlChange action gosub action gosub screen wait screen: cls a$="" a$=a$+|<div style='display: table; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;width:450px;background:url("beach32.jpg");'>| a$=a$+|<div style='display: table; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;opacity:|+opacity$+|;'>| a$=a$+ |<br><br>| a$=a$+meter$(tilt,0,180,"tilt") + |<br>| a$=a$+cssid$("tilt","transform: rotate(-90deg);width:90px;") a$=a$+ |<br><br>| a$=a$+meter$(pan,0,180,"pan") a$=a$+cssid$("pan","width:90px;") a$=a$+|</div>| a$=a$+|<div style='display: table; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;opacity:|+opacity$+|;'>| a$=a$+textbox$(joy$,"j") + |<br>| a$=a$+cssid$("j","width:90px;text-align:center;border-style: none;opacity:"+opacity$+";") a$=a$+|</div>| a$=a$+|<div style='display: table; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;opacity:|+opacity$+|;'>| a$=a$+checkbox$(autoCenter) a$=a$+|</div>| a$=a$+|<div style='display: table; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;opacity:|+opacity$+|;'>| a$=a$+|<div id="joyDiv" style="width:|+dia$+|px;height:|+dia$+|px;margin-bottom:20px;margin:00px;"></div></div>| a$=a$+|</div>| autorefresh 200 html a$ a$="" a$=a$+|joy=new JoyStick('joyDiv',{internalLineWidth:1,internalFillColor:'|+knobcol$+|',externalStrokeColor:'#a0ff00',autoReturnToCenter:|+autoCenter$+|});| a$=a$+|joy.SetCallback(function(e) {connection.send('cmd:immediatxJOY$="' + e.GetX() + ',' + e.GetY() + '":HtmlEventVar$="joy$"\n' )});| jscript a$ a$="" return action: if htmleventvar$ = "autocenter" then if autoCenter=1 then autoCenter$="true" else autoCenter$="false" gosub screen endif if htmleventvar$ = "joy$" then X = val(word$(joy$,1,",")) +100 Y = val(word$(joy$,2,",")) +100 pan = X/200*180 tilt = Y/200*180 pan = 180-pan 'uncomment to invert value for reversing direction of travel 'tilt = 180-tilt 'uncomment to invert value for reversing direction of travel servo 1, pan 'uncomment if using a servo servo 2, tilt 'uncomment if using a servo endif pause 50 return End '------------------------- End -------------------------- |