- Unzip the Annex WI-Fi Basic package to a folder of your choice.
- Connect your ESP device to your computer serial Com Port.
- Run AnnexToolKit.exe from the unzipped parent folder.
- Select the appropriate Module Type, Com Port, and Speed (Baud Rate).
- If your ESP device is not capable of 'Auto-flash' then start it into flashing mode manually (gpio0 to 0v at bootup).
- Click the yellow 'Flash Firmware + Data' button if doing a first-time flash, then follow the screen prompts.
- After successful completion, the device will reboot and run the new firmware.
- Connect wifi to the ESP SSID that will appear in the computers list of available Wifi SSIDs (takes a few seconds).
- Browse to to open the default Output window, then right-click the Editor button to open it in a new tab.