Offers a single master dimmer control for chosen R G B (and W) channels.
Suitable for controlling Neo-pixels or Sonoff B1 Lamps, set neo=1 or sonoff=1 as required, and the other=0.
Optional Title display, useful for distinguishing between multiple lamps.
Choice of 4 selectable rotary knob styles - upload file knob-full.js from bottom of this page to / of device. Optional Soft start brighten-up feature (easier on the eyes than sudden switch-ons).
Optional Auto save changed settings to file after timeout delay, for subsequent re-loading at next startup.
Uses embedded defaults when first run, which includes Autosave=0 (off), so changes will not be saved to file.
If Settingsfile is non-blank, and Autosave=1, the last used settings will automatically be saved to file after the 'delay' timeout, then reloaded again at startup to over-ride the embedded defaults. To always start with the same user defaults, set Autosave Off and manually save the required startup settings.
'Rotary RGB Master Dimmer for NeoPixels or Sonoff B1 Lamps - Electroguard - Developed on Annex 1,41 beta 2
title$="Rotary Master Dimmer" 'title to be displayed if tc=1 sonoff=0 'set=1 if using a Sonoff B1 Lamp neo=1 'set=1 if using neo-pixels value=000 'initial master dial startup value softstart=1 'slow brighten up enabled=1 ssd=800 'softstart speed - ms delay between steps settingsfile$="/settings.ini" 'set="" if not wishing to read previous settings from file autosave=0 'autosave=1 to save changed settings to file after 'delay' delay=2000 'autosave delay before saving new settings to file knobstyle=3 'rotary knob style (1 to 4) r=0:g=0:b=0:cw=0:ww=0 'default start values of LED channels (cw=cold white, ww=warm white) rc=0:gc=0:bc=0:cwc=0:wwc=1 'default LED channels enabled=1 to be controlled by master dial tc=1:sc=1 'tc=1 to display title, sc=1 to show options if neo=1 then pixels = 12 'declare how many pixels to be addressed (12 for this example) neo.setup pixels 'initalise for declared number of pixels neo.strip 0, pixels-1 ,r,g,b 'turn all pixels off endif if sonoff=1 then sonoffb1.init 'initialise Sonoff B1 Lamp sonoffb1.rgb r,g,b 'display default RGB values sonoffb1.white cw,ww 'display default white values endif jsexternal "/knob-full.js" 'defaults to simple slider if the specified file is not available if settingsfile$ <> "" then gosub load 'comment out this line if you don't want to load saved settings if softstart=1 then gosub softstart onhtmlchange change 'subroutine branch to action controller changes gosub screen 'send screen output to browser wait load: if FILE.EXISTS(settingsfile$)=0 then return settings$ = FILE.READ$(settingsfile$) onerror ignore command settings$ onerror abort return save: settings$=|title$="|+title$+|":value=|+str$(knoboutput)+":softstart="+str$(softstart)+":ssd="+str$(ssd) settings$=settings$+":autosave="+str$(autosave)+":delay="+str$(delay)+":knobstyle="+str$(knobstyle) settings$=settings$+":rc="+str$(rc)+":gc="+str$(gc)+":bc="+str$(bc) settings$=settings$+":cwc="+str$(cwc)+":wwc="+str$(wwc)+":tc="+str$(tc)+":sc="+str$(sc) if sonoff=1 then settings$=settings$+":cw="+str$(cw)+":ww="+str$(ww) 'wlog settings$ FILE.SAVE settingsfile$,settings$ timer0 0 return screen: cls a$="" a$=a$+|<br>| a$=a$+|<div style='display: table; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;font-size: 80%'>| if tc=1 then a$=a$+|<font color="teal">|+title$+|</font><br>| else a$=a$+"<br>" a$=a$+|<br>| a$=a$+|</div>| a$=a$+|<div style='display: table; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;'>| a$=a$+|<input class="preset|+str$(knobstyle)+|" data-var="knoboutput " value='|+str$(value)+|' type="range" min="0" max="255" | a$=a$+|data-width="250"data-height="250" data-angleOffset="220" data-angleRange="280" onchange='cmdChange(event)'>| a$=a$+|</div>| a$=a$+|<div style='display: table; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;font-size: 100%'>| if sc=0 then ocol$="darkgrey" else ocol$="#404040" a$=a$+checkbox$(sc)+|<font color="|+ocol$+|">|+" Show Options"+|</font><br><br>| a$=a$+|</div>| if sc=1 then a$=a$+|<div style='display: table; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;font-size: 80%'>| m$=|<input type="radio" data-var="knobstyle" name="gender" onchange="cmdChange(event)" | for c=1 to 4 a$=a$+m$ if c=knobstyle then a$=a$+| checked=1 | a$=a$+| value="|+str$(c)+| " > | next c a$=a$+|<br>| a$=a$+|</div>| a$=a$+|<div style='display: table; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;font-size: 70%'>|+"Knob style" +|</div>| a$=a$+|<div style='display: table; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;font-size: 100%'>| if sonoff=1 then a$=a$+checkbox$(cwc,"cwc")+|<font color="#000040">|+" Cold white"+|</font><br>| a$=a$+checkbox$(wwc,"wwc")+|<font color="#400000">|+" Warm white"+|</font><br>| endif a$=a$+checkbox$(rc,"rc")+|<font color="red">|+" Red"+|</font><br>| a$=a$+checkbox$(gc,"gc")+|<font color="green">|+" Green"+|</font><br>| a$=a$+checkbox$(bc,"bc")+|<font color="blue">|+" Blue"+|</font><br><br>| a$=a$+checkbox$(tc)+|<font color="teal">|+" Show Title"+|</font><br>| if softstart=0 then scol$="darkgrey" else scol$="#404040" a$=a$+checkbox$(softstart,"sc")+|<font color="|+scol$+|">|+" Soft start" a$=a$+" Fast "+slider$(ssd,9,999,"ss")+|<font color="|+scol$+|">|+" Slow<br>" +|</font>| a$=a$+cssid$("ss","width:40;height:5;") if autosave=0 then acol$="darkgrey" else acol$="#404040" a$=a$+checkbox$(autosave,"ac")+|<font color="|+acol$+|">|+" Auto save <br><br>" a$=a$+|</div>| a$=a$+|<div style='display: table; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;font-size: 80%'>| a$=a$+ button$("Save",save) a$=a$+|<br>| a$=a$+|</div>| endif html a$ jscall "set_knobs();" return change: cmd$="value=V" cmd$=replace$(cmd$,"V","knoboutput") wlog cmd$ command cmd$ if sonoff=1 then cmd$="sonoffb1.rgb R,G,B" endif if neo=1 then cmd$="neo.strip 0,pixels-1,R,G,B" if rc=1 then cmd$=replace$(cmd$,"R","knoboutput") if gc=1 then cmd$=replace$(cmd$,"G","knoboutput") if bc=1 then cmd$=replace$(cmd$,"B","knoboutput") command cmd$ pause 10 if sonoff=1 then cmd$="sonoffb1.white cw,ww" if cwc=1 then cmd$=replace$(cmd$,"cw","knoboutput") if wwc=1 then cmd$=replace$(cmd$,"ww","knoboutput") command cmd$ endif if (HtmlEventVar$="sc") or (HtmlEventVar$="tc") or (HtmlEventVar$="softstart") or (HtmlEventVar$="autosave") then gosub screen if (HtmlEventVar$="knobstyle") then gosub screen if autosave=1 then timer0 delay,save HtmlEventVar$="" return softstart: for c=1 to value if sonoff=1 then cmd$="sonoffb1.rgb R,G,B" if neo=1 then cmd$="neo.strip 0, pixels-1,R,G,B" if rc=1 then cmd$=replace$(cmd$,"R",str$(c)) if gc=1 then cmd$=replace$(cmd$,"G",str$(c)) if bc=1 then cmd$=replace$(cmd$,"B",str$(c)) command cmd$ if sonoff=1 then cmd$="sonoffb1.white cw,ww" if cwc=1 then cmd$=replace$(cmd$,"cw",str$(c)) if wwc=1 then cmd$=replace$(cmd$,"ww",str$(c)) command cmd$ endif next c pause ssd return end '-----------end------------ |