Project - Lamp Dimmer

A smart Lamp Dimmer / Speed Controller offering the best of both worlds:

Local lamp dimmer using optional Rotary Encoder
Plus optional local On/Off toggle button
(see the Rotary Encoder Dimmer project for a detailed explanation)
Remote EasyNet smart control...
  DimTO [value] [toggle]
Sending UDP "nodename  DimTO  toggle"  is equivalent to pressing the hardware button to toggle the output On or Off without changing the value (even if the value is 0).
"nodename  DimTO  (value between 0 and 100)" will smoothly dim (up or down) from the current value to the specified value.
So "nodename  DimTO  0" will turn the lamp fully Off, and  "nodename  DimTO  100" will turn the lamp fully On.
If the lamp currently has a value of eg: 80, sending "nodename  DimTO  40"will smoothly dim down to 40.
"nodename  DimTO" without any parameters will turn fully Off to fully On or vice versa, or smoothly dim if value 
The demo video will probably explain things better than words.
